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Website:  Legal disclaimer

The information given in this website is intended for general information purposes only. While every care has been taken in preparing and presenting this information, it is possible that certain items of information may be out of date and no longer correct. The Hilversumsche Golf Club accepts no responsibility for direct or indirect damage caused as a consequence of using, relying on and/or actions undertaken on the basis of the information provided by this website. Certain internet link referencing of this website can lead to third party sources of information over which the Hilversumsche Golf Club has no control. The Hilversumsche Golf Club accept no responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of such information sources or for consequences resulting from the use of such information sources.

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All intellectual property rights, including – but not limited to, copyrights, database rights, trademarks and trade name rights, with respect to the contents of this website, including graphics, text, photos, videos and logos are owned by the Hilversumsche Golf Club.

Without the prior written consent of the Hilversumsche Golf Club, it  is not permitted to reproduce the contents of this website in whole or in part and/or publish, or in any other way use it.